Sunday, May 3, 2009

Back To The Future

I've heard the question asked many times, "Would you like to go back to high school and do it all over again?"  For some people the question brings back the feelings of not fitting in, the pressures of the social structure and they immediately respond, "No!"  Most people, however, say they would go back if they could know what they know now.

Over the last several months, I have been reconnecting with classmates from high school via Facebook.  The other night we got together for dinner at a local restaurant.  Many of them I really didn't know that well in high school.  I've even had to go back and look in the yearbook to see who a few of them were.

Something interesting is happening, though.  Through their status updates, the pictures they post, and in some cases direct messages, I feel I know most of them better than I did in high school. I know where they like to eat, what they like to do for fun, and how much their kids look like them.  I feel there are some real friendships forming.  In high school, we were all trying to figure out who we were and who we were going to be.  We wanted to be a part of the crowd and at the same time be unique individuals.  Now, most of that is settled.  We are comfortable in our own skins; we are confident in who we turned out to be.  And, maybe now we understand how valuable genuine relationships are.

Would I go back and do it all again knowing what I know now?  Maybe I already am.

What would you do different?

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