It's been a while since I've written a blog, but it's been a very busy spring so far. There have been cookouts to go to and yard work to be done. I've also decided this spring that I'm going to get back into cycling. I used to ride several years back and when I was riding, I felt good. First of all, I felt healthier and that by itself is enough to continue, but I also felt a sense of accomplishment. Anytime I would complete a distance longer than any I had done before or climb a mountain a little bit faster than I did previously, I felt like I had really done something.
To get back to riding, I first had to make time, so I decided which days and times I would ride. Nothing gets accomplished without a plan. Then I stopped by the bike shop one day just to see what was going on in the biking world since I had been gone. I talked to the owner, Richard, and told him I was thinking of getting back into riding. The first thing he told me about was the group rides that take place every week. With all the advances in equipment, with lighter bikes and more comfortable clothing, why would he tell me about the group rides? Because he's smart. From a business stand point, Richard knows that if I get connected with people, that I am more likely to stay in cycling and not drift back to the couch. If I stay in cycling, I am more likely to come back in to his shop and make purchases. But from a personal stand point, I believe that he really wants me to enjoy cycling the way he enjoys it. I believe he knows that the best way for me to learn and advance as a cyclist is to be around other cyclist who are better and faster than I am. He knows I'll learn techniques to help me improve and my involvement in cycling will be more fulfilling.
Immediately I began to see the parallels as they relate to church. I know that if people get connected through volunteering or small groups in our church, they are more likely to stay. But deep down, I want them to experience the same joy of being a believer that I do. I know that the best way for people to grow spiritually is to be in community with other people who are perhaps a little farther along in their faith than they are or have different life experiences than they do. I know they'll learn principles that will make their life more fulfilling.
People tell me all the time that they want to go deeper in their faith. Maybe, that's what you're thinking. Are you involved in a small group with other people or are you serving together with a group? You should try it. It's just like riding a bike. There will be some hills to climb, but there's nothing like the thrill of coming down the other side. And you'll be stronger for it.